Friday, December 12, 2008

Some things I like that you may not know about


Scroll through his "outdoors" tab. It's awesome. Pretty much the coolest thing ever.

LCD Soundsystem.

I have yet to meet a single person who knows about this band. Everyone keeps trying to get me hooked on local copycats of John Mayer or Yellowcard. No thanks. Here's "All My Friends." I also recommend "North American Scum" and "I'm Losing My Edge." Their new single is "Someone Great."

Troy Patterson.

I posted him on Facebook a couple times I think. Maybe this is a little "inside baseball," but the dude's lead paragraphs are consistently the best I've read anywhere. That he spends his time reviewing horrible TV trash may actually help him in that area. Here's his review of the Tila Tequila show.

Anthony Jeselnik.

Where is this guy? Here's a link to a couple clips from his stand up. He's hilarious!

This list was supposed to have much more but my brain isn't working. So maybe I'll update it later or just make a new post.

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