Tuesday, December 09, 2008


So I don't want to waste too much time on this. Three things:

1. Sean Taylor. Sean Taylor. Sean Taylor. Joey Porter. Steve Smith. I'd carry a gun, too. These NFL players have a big target on their heads. I don't blame Plax for wanting to have a gun, he should have (and, I think, could have) done it legally. Or get some dude to follow you around. You are fucking rich.

2. This whole nonsense about the Giants losing focus. It's completely overblown, and is just something for the hundreds of ex-NLF players/jackasses to talk about on TV. They lost a game against a team that needed the win much, much more. The Giants are 11-2, and have dealt with Plaxico-related issues for years now, including last year, when they won the Super Bowl. Like I said I'm trying to not waste too much time on this, but it's utter bullshit. Which brings me to:

3. ESPN. And sports media in general. But especially ESPN. They cover sports-related stories like the Plaxico thing with all the nuance and sense of perspective that cable news channels have. Which is to say: none. They are the ones who ask all the questions about Plaxico, rephrasing them again and again to try to get the players to say something controversial or worthy of Sportscenter. And then they are the exact same people who say, "Well, with all these questions, you wonder how they will keep focus." And then if the Giants win, they say, brilliant job keeping focus. If they lose, it's all due to lack of focus.

Maybe the fucking Eagles won because the Giants didn't play well and the Eagles wanted to win more and thereby scored more points than the Giants. Why is every game like some Desperate Housewives psychodrama? I just don't get it. Attn: ESPN. YOU ARE RUINING SPORTS. Please stop, thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think the whole focus thing is completely B.S. and just something for sports people to talk about.