Tuesday, December 09, 2008

SNL: 12/6/08

I'm generally a SNL hater. I thought Mad TV was funnier, until I actually watched whole episodes of that show from start to finish, and then just found something else to do on Saturday nights.

But I found myself with nothing to do last Saturday after work and tuned in to SNL. It had to be one of the funniest post-Will Ferrell show yet.

The driving forces behind the laughter were Andy Samberg and host John Malkovich. Samberg had a great sketch where he played the 9-year-old boy who wrote the book on how to talk to girls. Samberg's M.O. is the same almost every time: set you up by lulling you into a slight boredom, and then hit you with some mighty offensive/hilarious stuff. He did it here, predictably, by dropping some actual no-holds-barred advice.

That "Mi Scuzi" guy from EuroTrip did a funny Boy George. He might actually have talent. And Kenan did a funny Plaxico. I mean, when you shoot yourself in the leg it's like a 75 mph fastball down the middle for comedy.

Malkovich was funny by appealing to his inner Walken and being as weird and creepy as can be.

There was another skit where he played like a deformed pre-teen girl that was so sick and funny but I don't think NBC has it up. It was just plain weird, too.

Then, of course, the kicker. I'm not going to give away the title, but I'm sure most of you have seen it now. It so completely took me by surprise. I thought they were saying "piss" because the alternative, I thought, couldn't be broadcast on TV. I was wrong. I rewound the damn thing on my DVR and nearly cried. Watch below:

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