Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Big 3 Bailout

This shit is crazy.

I could write for days on this.

But I'm not going to bore you.

My opinion: let 'em fail. They're not very good at what they do. That's why they have no money. So, let 'em fail. Yeah, those 3 million lost jobs are going to suck. But if you can't fix all the holes in the dam, might as well blow the bitch up.

Read this article for a more sane reason.

BONUS: No more Mustangs. Or Hummers. What will the douche bags of the future have to drive?


Unknown said...

i actually heard they are combining the hummer and mustang as a last attempt to stay a float, they're calling it the douchasaurus. they're even considering adding in a mix of neon for doucharellas.

Steve said...

Yeah, I mean, they really need to make up their mind. If they want to, they can really corner the douche bag market. All studies show the douche population is expected to rise significantly in the coming years.

Anonymous said...

3 million jobs lost = the next great depression.

In theory the best move would've been to let them go Chapter 11(protection) and allow them to fuck over the former employees pensions and the currents employees pay. Alas, there were major difficulties with creditors forcing them into Chapter 7(liquidation) if it were to occur.

Also, Thomas Friedman is a fucking hack. Mr.I wrote 'the world is flat' which anyone with half a brain could innately understand, but just in case you forgot I write every other article about other countries 'globalization' and 'the green revolution'.

But he hates Arabs, respect the man.

Steve said...


1st. The Malcolm Gladwell reference. Impressive.

Second. There is no "best move." But nice knowledge of two different chapters of bankruptcy. Swell.

Also, I agree on Friedman. He's a hack. But even a blind man hits a bulls-eye eve-- oh fuck, what's the saying? I forget. I just woke up.

Anonymous said...


Oh well. I guess I'll have to get a Land Rover instead.

Brendon said...

if you are going to let anything crash it might as well be the stick market NOT the big 3, at least the automakers actually have a product to back up their money!

Steve said...

When I think coherently, I want them to give the bailout money. But when I think, well it's all going to shit, might as well see how bad it gets, I think, hell, no, let them fail. If a business model is broken it's best not to keep it alive artificially.