Monday, November 10, 2008

I paid all this money and all I get is a piece of paper

I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired.

But I feel dumb.

Or, should I say, dumber. As in dumber than when I started college five years ago.

Sure, I probably know a lot more. And perhaps I'm a marginally better writer or whatever. Practice and experience always help.

But my brain feels like it's gears are ground down, like it's spinning and working and not really getting anywhere anymore.

This doesn't feel like wisdom.

As an anecdote, earlier I was trying to write about the gears of my brain. I kept typing "gears are grinded down." Like an idiot, I had to type grinded into this little dictionary program I have and it's all like, uh, hey dumbass that's not a word it's grounded.

So, stupid is as stupid does.

That's all I got for tonight.


Anonymous said...

it's ok steveykins.. maybe you should start interviewing ppl for your stories instead of playing online all day :)

Cheryl said...

hey don't be so hard on yourself. at least you passed copy editing! :)