Monday, November 24, 2008

Best Week Ever!

Last week we had the most visitors to this blog since its inception.  Thanks to all 15-20 of you.

The next week or so will not be as interesting, I'm sorry to say.  With no internet at home, and only a few days of work (Thanksgiving), this blog will go relatively dormant.


It appears we are heading into BCS controversy, with the 10-1 Sooners, Longhorns and Red Raiders clogging up the Big 12 South.  I'm not sure there is any way to rationally argue one team over another, except to say that Texas Tech lost major points by not even competing with Oklahoma.  But, then, USC only has one loss.  And if Florida beats Alabama in the SEC Championship, that will be two SEC teams with one loss.  It's a fine mess, but one that has made this season one to remember. (Unless you happen to be a Clemson fan, in which case this season has sucked royally.  Ditto Notre Dame and their Sweaty Coach Charlie Donuts.)


Bo-Oring. Wake me Jan. 20.

Other stuff

I organized my room the other day.  It was an odd experience, as I had all of my things strewn about my floor, organized according to their similarity (e.g., books, CDs, etc.).  Later I may post a chart of some kind to give you insight into my "Stuff."

The only reason my "Stuff" really had any special significance to me is that I've been watching DVDs constantly, as my house is currently without cable or internet.

And one of my DVDs is called "Carlin's Best Stuff" and features this skit, titled "Stuff"

And that's enough stuff for now.

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