Monday, November 03, 2008

Now taking orders

OK, so while visits to my blog are as frequent as ever (thanks to all 15 of you, and some random hit I got from China), I've noticed a lack of comments, which must mean that I'm boring you with election nonsense that you couldn't care less about.

Fair enough.

I figured that I could have at least these past couple days devoted to the election seeing how it is tomorrow. And I'm sure to have a few post-election posts that your eyes will glaze over. But let's focus on the future a little. As in my future.

Because I've spent countless hours on this election the past year, and so now what am I going to do? I need a hobby. What are some cool sites to visit on the internet? What's a good way to waste time?

Is there anything you all would really love me to write about? More hating or less hating? (Too bad, it's probably going to be more).

Anyway, drop a comment, and I'll preempt the obvious attempt: don't offer some sort of woman-horse action Web site, please (man-goat acceptable).


Anonymous said...

More posts on awesome MTV shows such as Parental Control and Next please.

Anonymous said...

Sex. Drugs. Rock and Roll, or take my advice that I gave you before: be the next Tucker Max and write about all the crazy, drunken, and stupid events that happen in your life.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to get some good cooking recipes. Perhaps something on scrap booking?