Thursday, November 06, 2008

Matt Taibbi hates the word blog

I'm not the only one.

Rolling Stone political writer Matt Taibbi, one of my favorites, now has a blog up. And his first post details how much he hates the word blog. How nice to know we're in agreement.

It's too bad he didn't start this earlier in the campaign. But if you like a guy who calls people on their bullshit, Taibbi is unmatched.

UPDATE: Here's an excerpt from his blog, in hopes it pushes some of you rather foul-mouthed commenters toward his site:
I’ll say this about Michelle Malkin: she has a future in this business. I see her replacing Ann Coulter in that right-wing dipshit hierarchy. The last few times I’ve seen Coulter on TV, I haven’t been able to take my eyes off her Adam’s apple. By 2012 she’s going to be doing ping-pong ball acts at drag clubs in Reno. Malkin, though, she’s hardworking, dumb, and shameless, just like Sarah Palin, who I think has a big future four years from now. So get ready for more of this stuff. It’s only just started and they’ve got four long years of target practice coming.


Cheryl said...

First, I love your blog. Said that before I'm sure. I can learn a lot about blogging from you, now we have to do it in copy editing and figure it would be helpful to do anyway..right? Well, how do I follow your blog through mine? Lots of good stuff on here Mr. Yusko.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Matt Taibbi take it in the ass from Bill Maher or was that one of my MMF fantasies?

Also I'm drunk right now. Why am I here? Fuck it, Im sleepin