Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Which Wich: delicious, evil

I thought of the idea for this post while consuming a few beers after one of those 14-hour work days that are becoming all too common (OK, well, I don't do 14 hours of work, but I'm at work for 14 hours, so the effect is ... similar).

Anyway I grabbed a Which Wich sandwich for dinner last night on a break from the job that pays me, and it was delicious.  But it was also evil.

Here's how the place works for those of you not in the know. You go in, and there are ten bags you can choose from, each labeled with a sandwich type (Turkey, Italian, Vegetarian, etc.).  So you pick a bag.  Then there are a couple of sandwich options on there (For Italian: Grinder, Meatball, Pizza, etc.).  You pick your sandwich option, using a red sharpie (provided).  You pick your bread (White or Wheat).  You then can check off all different types of sauces and toppings. (Oil and Vinegar, banana peppers, three different types of onions, mayo, etc.).  Then you write your name at the bottom so they can call it out when they're done.

OK, so then you give the lady your bag, she charges you and forces a fake smile and punches your frequent-eater card.  They hang the bags facing toward the preparer so that if you put a smiley face or a phallus or whatever on the back of the bag you can watch the progress of your sandwich.  This step can be skipped if it's not too busy, or you can do it anyway just for the hell of it.

UPDATE: Ok, I'm editing here, I added this at the end. I've used the word sandwich throughout.  Which Wich employees do not offer you the same courtesy.  The call them "wiches," which I suppose reinforces the brand name or whatever.  When they call out your sandwich and name, they say, "Hot wich for Steve," (if your name is Steve); it's kinda ridiculous when they're busy because it's like, um, I know what I ordered why are you telling everyone else?  I'll stick with the full sandwich throughout because I hate abreevs, u kno?


Here's where Which Wich is evil. The damn sandwich is too small.  I don't know if insulting a sandwich's size carries the same weight as, say, insulting a man's package (two phallus references, one blog post, limit exceeded - It is true, though; the damn thing is smaller than say, Firehouse's medium, or Beezer's or Jimmy John's.  But it's toasty and delicious, and it's fun to not have to talk much when ordering and always getting what you want.

OK I've stalled on the evil thing.  It's evil because your instinct, upon your second visit and beyond, is to check off as much as possible when you're at the bag-scribbling part.  Sure, you don't really want mushrooms and bell peppers and oil and vinegar AND mayo and mustard on that turkey sub, but you're worried you will still be hungry when the damn thing is over so you overcompensate.  And it still tastes good, a little intense and weird,  but good (it's toasted, I've mention this before).

While your taste-buds are working overtime and generally throwing a raucous party it's your stomach that has to clean up the morning after.  Or, in the case of an overloaded Which Wich, it's usually about three hours later.  I don't feel the need to get detailed here, but you know what I'm talking about.

(It's the shits, btw).

So there you have it.  My review of Which Wich.

Want more restaurant reviews? Leave a comment. Pick a restaurant. I'll try to do it.


Anonymous said...

i still have yet to go there :( But I miss my Stevey Poo... Ok, you're next test is... that new chicken place where the DCP used to be!! See you in the AM!

Anonymous said...

Which Wich features over 50 varieties of customizable, toasted “wiches” served in an edgy yet inviting environment. The concept is known for its creative ordering system. At Which Wich, customers place their orders by using custom red Sharpies to mark up pre-printed menus on sandwich bags. The customer selects the variety of sandwich from 10 different categories divided up by protein, then checks the type of bread, chooses cheese and additional ingredients, and finally marks off their desired spreads and sauces. This system guarantees that despite the endless options available, all wiches are customized to just the way the customer wants them, and then are delivered to the customer in the personalized sandwich bag. This feature incorporates customer interaction in the processes and therefore creates greater efficiency, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, brand loyalty. All wiches are set at one low price.

I'll play your game. I want reviews of the Kingsman Restaurant, Crazy/china buffet, New Orleans cafe, and the free lunch buffet at platinum.

Steve said...

New chicken place? I thought they put apartments where DCP used to be. That's a maybe.

As far as Mr. CEO, you've managed to name the 4 places that I drive by and mentally note never to set foot in for fear of death, dismemberment and horrible horrible stomach pains.

I'll review all, right here in the comments section: TUMS TUMS TUMS

Possible exception: I think going to the lunch buffet at Platinum is a distinct possibility, although I'm nervous it would ruin strip clubs for me forever.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't New Orleans cafe the place that we would call at 4 am and tell them we needed an order of 50 sandwiches with spicy brown mustard?

Anonymous said...

Great article once again. I am going to need to try Which Wich as it sounds fascinating.

For your next review you should try this place called Wing Zone. I understand that they don't have the table service that you might desire but it makes up for it with great taste and selection.

Anonymous said...

I hear the cooks at wing zone spit in peoples food. I quit eating there.

Anonymous said...

I heard that it was the delivery drivers.

Steve said...

I wish y'all would put names so I know this isn't just someone conversing with himself.

Also: Wing Zone never defiles the food. It's always tasty, hot and on time, provided you tip your drivers.

Shocking turn of events: I pitched the idea for the Platinum story to one of my teachers, and he said it was a good idea. So I'm doing it. Any Cola people want to come with?

Anonymous said...

i wanna come, but you won't let me :(

Anonymous said...

That's what she said.

Steve said...

Nice. I can't believe I let that slip by.