Friday, October 17, 2008

Give me a break...

None of these things automatically qualifies you as "cool":
  • "Supporting local music" - Big deal.  That band sucks anyway and I've never heard any of these songs.  I'm bored and here to drink, not to experience the sensation of my ears bleeding.
  • "Liking 'good' wine or coffee or whatever" - Try that java thing from Sonic.  It tastes good.  And it's from Sonic, which is normally disgusting.  Dunkin' Donuts has good coffee, you don't need a damn 'local' shop (Although I do like Cool Beans).  There's a fine line between having standards and being pretentious.
  • "Having a well-paying job" - Wow.  I'm so impressed.  Your work ethic is astounding.  And you bore the ever-living shit out of me.
  • "Drinking top-shelf liquor" - In the time it's taken you to sip on that single-malt whatever, I've pounded six Beam and Cokes and I'm probably dancing on a table.
  • "Not putting off your work in class and blogging without any hope of a coherent point" - Yeah, and I bet you don't ever use double negatives when you blog either.  Maybe you don't even blog.  Oh God, you are soooo cool.  I bet you think sarcasm is for people with no intellect.  Go drink some local coffee and listen to a local band.  I'm going to put on some Pink Floyd and drink some Bud Light until you appear somewhat interesting.
Here's a discussion for the comments section:
Why does this blog's author suck?  Be specific.


Steve said...

I'll start: His blog is boring. And almost no one reads it except for one kid in Malibu, which is probably going to burn to the ground soon anyway.

Anonymous said...

i'm gonna read it! And I'm not in Malibu. AND I actually think mousehunting, ,writing and drinking make you semi-ly cool!

Anonymous said...

When I run out of toilet paper I print out your blog and wipe my ass with it.

Steve said...

You bastard