Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Family Guy

I've always felt that it was important to have good taste when it came to television and movies, while still being able to watch The Real World or Independence Day and enjoy the hell out of 'em.

That is to say, I can still have fun watching bad movies, or bad TV, and I can turn my nose up at them later.

I've never been able to figure out where Family Guy landed. Was I a fan because it's a funny postmodern take on the "Honeymooners"-style fat white guy/family sitcoms? Or was it just bad TV that was occasionally funny and I enjoyed it in spite of its badness?

To put it in a slightly weirder way: Is Family Guy more Dane Cook or more George Carlin? (I admit to laughing at Dane Cook's jokes from time to time, but also to staring at him in disbelief the rest of the time).

My hunch had always been that Family Guy good. But it does seem to get shit on by some people. So, uh, anyway, to the point of this post.

I've decided that it's good. And this clip was a big factor, as was Sunday's entire episode. Both are posted below:

Plus, the guy who created this show is from Connecticut, like me. In some weird way, if he is just an over-hyped phony, then I feel like one too.

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