Monday, September 29, 2008


Much to my dismay, I was late getting home to watch the debate.  So the whole drinking thing went out the window.  (I was at a sushi place eating dinner...ate too much...but it was delicious).

Anyway, I'm not even sure a case of beer could have made the debate interesting.  It was a sleeper for sure.  I think I'd have better luck with the Palin-Biden debate (but I'm not going to promise to do that).
I kept switching back to college football when McCain was answering.  Honestly I don't think anyone is going to pick the next president based on their reaction to the fighting in Georgia.
So that's that.
Maybe the next one will be better.  I want some fireworks!
P.S. Obama had a narrow victory, in my view (and in the polls).


tangerine said...

Dear Steve,
Avid reader, first time commenter. I was excited to read Drunken Blogger Steve or Buddy Light as he is affectionately known. I can not help but feel at fault that he did not make a post. These are news worthy blog opportunities that can not go unmissed by myself and the general public. I will do my best to not let such an incident happen again. On October 2nd I will be enforcing drinking Jeopardy followed by riveting VP debate drinking, and other obliteration of the mind. Keep posting.

Steve said...

It wasn't your fault. It was an accident. I was having too much fun, Rueful. Besides the whole logistics of pulling my giant computer out into the main room didn't make much sense anyway. I need a laptop. Which reminds me. I need money. Which reminds me. Let's play the Lotto...and win.